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Healthy self-esteem

Healthy self-esteem


Welcome to the Global Coaching Academy Monthly Newsletter for August 2022!



 Our focus for August is Self-Esteem and, as always, some heartfelt musings and music to help inspire the change that we wish to experience in the world...Enjoy!

We hope that our newsletters bring you upliftment, inspiration, and updates as to what is happening at the Global Coaching Academy and new paradigm world of Coaching, Mentoring, and Interpersonal Facilitation. 

Study with our next cohort!

Only three weeks to go - spaces available - ask now 


Our September intake has spaces available so take advantage and dive right in.

Start with the induction weekend workshop Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of September IN PERSON AND ONLINE!

We are super excited to be back delivering both in person and online - save the date & contact us today to express your interest, and receive for your information booklet. Feel free to email Belinda for a chat about the course.


Click this link to email Belinda today

request an information booklet

Monthly Musings 

Some heartfelt inspiration for our readers...


comes from within,

never from without

Michael King





Ponderings on Self-Esteem

from Reinette Nel -

Bowen Therapist and Life Coach




What is self-esteem, but the willingness to love ourselves! Feeling that we are worthy of being on this beautiful planet, to take up space. That we have a role to play, a contribution to make - we are a unique part of a bigger picture.


Sometimes it’s a struggle to see that there is a purpose for us. Our upbringing might have had many challenges, from parents that didn’t understand or nurture us, to struggles in school, work, and society as a whole. These should have no say in how we feel about ourselves. What comes from the outside, should not colour how we see ourselves from the inside. But if it does, and to be honest for most of us it probably does, we can make it part of our growth process to rebuild our foundations of who we truly are.


It’s an opportunity to evolve, to grow. We can use our challenges to foster empathy and compassion for others, as well as for ourselves. We can use them for learnings of what not to do, or what to do more of. Many of our struggles and challenges can also help us to feel deeper joy, gratitude and appreciation. For if you don’t experience the lows, how can you experience the highs?


Being kind, patient and loving towards oneself on this spiral of learning, can change the feeling from pressure to one of enjoyment. One from overwhelm, to one of excitement. Calling in some courage and wonder can cheer us on, on this path of self-discovery and growth.


So go ahead - be your own cheerleader and drop the harsh self-talk. It’s time to take up more space, shoulders back, loving boundaries up, ears closed to what others outside of us are saying and more listening to what our intuition is telling us.


Enjoy this path of self-discovery and growth. You are building yourself anew!


Reinette is a Bowen Therapist, Life coach and Mentor living in Perth, Australia.


She finds combining coaching/mentoring with Bowen really helpful for her clients. Having a chat about what’s going on for them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, provides them with an opportunity for new realisations and deeper knowing. This then gets time to integrate during their Bowen time on the table. It also helps the client to understand how their body is communicating with them, when they are experiencing stress, pain or dis-ease. This places the power of healing in the client’s hands and empowers them to make the necessary changes.

She also offers weekly Soul Inspiration classes, where she shares tools to nourish mind, body, and soul.


Her website 



Myth busters...

Exploring a new paradigm of Coaching, Mentoring and Interpersonal Facilitation, what it is and what it isn’t, from the perspective of GCA heart-based philosophy.


Myth: People often mistake self-esteem for popularity, looking outside self to know their worth...




Our self-esteem pillars are foundational to life as they are our building blocks upon which all else rests.


These pillars are worthiness, uniqueness, belonging and self-determination. In an ideal world, we would be taught self-esteem pillars from a young age to remember and relate to them in a way that is meaningful. This would support humanity to be confident and solid and to respond to life and its challenges.


Yes, we may have some understanding of the importance of self-esteem yet it can be misunderstood. We can believe our self-esteem is based on who we are, and knowing we are kind and caring but what if our self-esteem pillars are based on our own fairy-tale?  We might think ‘oh that’s not me…I don’t believe in marriage and a white picket fence’, however, we can believe that a nice house in the best suburb, being coupled, having lots of money, great friends, and holidays twice a year are indications of healthy self-esteem pillars. These things are great, lovely, and there is nothing wrong with wanting nice things but when we base how we feel about ourselves and measure how ‘successful’ our life is, based on these external markers, we run into problems. Perhaps these things aren’t attainable now... or maybe you have all your desires and wonder ‘why am I still unhappy?' It’s still NOT ENOUGH. Healthy and sustainable self-esteem pillars can’t be dependent on things outside of ourselves. Healthy and sustainable self-esteem pillars are best derived from inside of us so we remain solid, strong self-supportive no matter what challenges we face in our life.


Life can be lived from a place of self-worth, self-belonging, self-determination and appreciation of our own uniqueness. Our self-esteem pillars aren’t static as they change and evolve as we do and are deeply personal. As we experience the richness of life, we can deepen our values and continue to review our pillars to support ourselves.


A question I leave you with.


Do my self-esteem pillars align with who or what I want to be? If not, it might be time for a review to support who and what you are now.


Lana shares:


I have a passion for helping people reach their greatest potential, be it through coaching and mentoring, or through Remedial Massage. Through the years I've worked with many people on their physical well-being, talking to them and understanding their everyday challenges. It has led me to coaching and being able to bring even greater skills to help assist them. I love working with personal growth, body positivity, and helping people find their paths or pivot to new ones. I reach people mainly through tik tok and have had a whole new journey of reaching people in a totally new way. 


Now for some Music for The Soul!‍


Click the image to hear the band!



The Lovefinders Band

 This is a little video I made for a class on embracing the Namaste principle - working with deeply accepting all of our feelings - we hope you enjoy a little moment of acceptance


Our Team‍

Belinda and Julie are our main course facilitators along with a unique and authentic team of coaches, tutors, mentors, counsellors, and administrative and student support team members who bring their hearts, skills and experience to the academy.

Who are they? GCA Team


We love mentoring, coaching and interpersonal Facilitation. We love training and teaching. We love life. And we would love to work with you!

Are you ready to explore the world of coaching?

The people who feel drawn to working with us are people with big hearts; old souls who have acquired wisdom and who love their planet and humanity. They are the ones who want something more. They are the Ones who keep us shining our lights and the reason we exist! Is this you?


Whether you want to become a professional coach and mentor or add to your repertoire of existing skills, you could be among the first new coaches to be trained in the newly released updated core competencies from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Our next intake takes place in July 2022. To find out more, book a chat with Belinda


Who We Are and What We Do


If you have not yet studied with us, you may not already know that the Global Coaching Academy has been creating and delivering heart-based training programmes since 2004.


We began as a very small Registered Training Organisation in Perth offering a Certificate of Mentoring and Coaching. This was in response to people who were looking for a meaningful course and qualification that wasn't all about 'rah rah' and money making, rather about wanting to make a difference and support others to become the best versions of themselves. 17 years later, GCA is delivering a Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation, as a fully internationally recognised ICF accredited coach training program to participants in United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Asia and New Zealand.


Want to know more? Who We Are 

Choosing Harmony as a state of being, the Global Coaching Academy team!


 Visit our website Global Coaching Academy